
MosaicView is designed to display channel thumbnails and consolidate tasks. A thumbnail is randomly selected from the streams group. IPTV tasks take priority.


The following data is displayed in a thumbnail field:

  • Service name or Task name or Task URI — one of these fields is displayed depending on its availability. The fields are enlisted according to the priority level.

  • X — refers to the number of monitoring points grouped into a service (number displayed in the bottom right corner of a thumbnail).

  • Error flags — refers to a colored flag with a figure. The figure corresponds to the total number of active errors of similar level occurred in the consolidated tasks. The flag color defines an error level (from green to black). The level of errors displayed at MosaicView is set in the Alarm profile (Project settings ➝ Notifications ➝ ALARMS).

  • 8-hour availability trenddisplayed only for tasks with the enabled KPI profile. A graphical representation of the Service Availability state for the 8-hour monitoring period. One bar corresponds to 2 hours. A bar color corresponds to the color map of availability levels. A graph moves right to left, i.e., the rightmost bar shows the service state for the last 2 hours. When grouping several tasks, there will be a graph for a task with the most critical state. When hovering a graph, a popup window with 24-hour availability graph will appear. To go to the full statistics, click the graph within a popup window.

You can adjust the display of information and mute sound notifications using common settings for all views.

Presentation mode of thumbnails can be sorted by service name or by the number of consolidated tasks (descending order). To select a sort type, click the Sort by button at the top of the page and select the type from the dropdown list.

To open the Service window, click the thumbnail.

All consolidated channels are displayed when opening the Details tab. As shown in the picture, one IPTV and two OTT tasks are grouped, one task analyzes alternative renditions. To go to the required page, click the task or probe name. Flags of the active errors and their number are displayed in the State column

A channel live graphs are displayed at the Liveview tab (approximate period is 15 minutes). The graphics are stripes marked with errors and events. The graphs are updated every second. For OTT tasks in the all bitrates analysis mode, the total number of errors and events occurred in all bitrates is displayed at the same graph. Hover a cursor over an event or error mark, the event or error name is displayed. Go to the corresponding task page by clicking the graph. See more details on graphs in the LiveView section. On the stream thumbnail, there is the number of priority (TR1, TR2, TR3) for which the error was registered. If errors of several priorities appear, the most critical priority will be specified. For example, if TR1 and TR3 errors are registered for the stream, the thumbnail will display the TR1 priority.

The Active alarms tab displays active problems for the specified group of channels registered in the Alarm journal. Go to the corresponding pages by clicking the task or probe name. To go to the task page with error positioning on a graph (at the time of the event recording), click the time of the event record. Details of an error are displayed in a dialog containing detailed information on the trigger cause.

The Alarms hist tab displays non-active problems for the specified group of channels registered in the Alarm journal within the selected period (10 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day). If required, displaying the particular trigger group can be configured via the filters of corresponding groups. Go to the corresponding pages by clicking the task or probe name. To go to the task page with error positioning on a graph (at the time of the event recording), click the time of the event record. Details of an error are displayed in a dialog containing detailed information on the trigger cause.

The Alarms stat tab displays summarized information on the quantity and duration of each priority errors (fired triggers) during the 15-minute and 24-hour interval.