State Panel

For each project, you can display summary statistics on the state of analyzed streams. The information will be presented in a panel in the upper part of each work view, as well as on the probe’s page and the task page. No matter what page the user is on, the panel attracts their attention to problems by displaying colored cards. On the opposite, when there are no problems, the panel remains grey and invisible.

The panel offers several groups of metrics. Next to each group, there are one or several cards with the number of tasks. If you click a colored card, you will see a list of tasks and probes that analyze them. Clicking the name of a task or a probe will open the page of this task or probe, respectively. To enable the display of the statistics panel, go to the General Settings section and select the required option in the Display Settings section.


Metrics that are shown in the panel:

  • Tsk — the number of active probes and the total number of running tasks for all project probes.

  • BS — the number of tasks in the BadSource (No signal) state.

  • MLT.15 — the number of tasks with MLT exceeding the specified threshold for the last 15-minute inspection period.

  • MLS.15 — the number of tasks with MLS exceeding the specified threshold for the last 15-minute inspection period.


    You can find a detailed description of MLT and MLS metrics in the Parameters, Events and Errors section.

  • Alarms — the number of tasks with registered active alarms. For example, the screenshot above displays yellow and red cards. This means some alarms with warning and major severity levels are active for certain tasks. The level of severity is set by the user when configuring triggers in the ALARMS profile.

  • Kpi.15 — the distribution of tasks over set availability levels for the last 15 monitoring minutes. The color of cards designates the service availability level. The OK level card is not colored in green on purpose, so as not to distract the user.